Thursday August 27th
Block Island Behemoth Bass
Captain Carl reports EXCELLENT fishing tonight on the bass boat tonight! As soon as we arrived, it was on! Giant bass were eating the jigs veraciously and then once it got dark and they ate the eel just as good! We had a large crowd and a full boat limit one again. We also had a bonus fluke at 8.75lbs! This upcoming full moon really has the bass on the feed, so NOW is the time to come out and get some! George Johnson took the pool with a 30.15lb Moo Cow!
Montauk Jumbo Porgies and Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports a little bit of a slower morning, but we still managed to put together a nice catch of nice quality fish. We had jumbo porgies and sea bass today- almost everyone had their limit of sea bass. We also had a handful of fluke and one keeper striped bass. The first place pool winner was Russell Jones of Brooklyn with a huge 3.75lb porgy, and in second place was Richard Johnson of PA with a JUMBO 5.25lb sea bass.
Half Day Fluke AM Captain
Dave G reports that fishing was excellent again today we had nice keeper fluke sea bass and porgies in the mix. It was just a great morning on the water.