Fri July 08
Montauk Jumbo Summer Porgies and Seabass
Captain Dave M reports a tough day of fishing aboard the Viking Starship. Fishing was a little slower than usual. There were lots of small fish and mainly porgies but everyone caught a few Seabass too. It was likely the east wind that put the fish off biting. The pool winner was ‘Pops’ from Queens with a nice 3lb Porgy.
1/2 Day Fluke AM
Captain Carl reports a good AM 1/2 day trip aboard the Viking Stariper. The east wind made fluking a bit tough but we caught a LOT of big beautiful Seabass and some scup so everyone went home with meat! The pool winner was Tim Crawley from Huntington New York with a 5.8lb Fluke.
LongeRange Bass
Capt Carl reports very tough conditions on last nights bass trip. We had very stiff easterly winds which always makes for tough conditions. We did catch a couple striped bass, and they were all X large size, but again, the east wind made it a tough night. Brian Albe from Bellport, NY took the pool with a 38.8 lbs moo cow.