Fri Aug 05
1/2 Day Fluke AM
Captain Sarah reports a splendid morning of fishing on the Viking Stariper. There was lots of action with plenty of keepers. The mates were kept super busy running and helping all the happy fishers. Today’s pool winner was 13 year old Ethon Massey from Madison Connecticut with a nice 7.1lb Fluke.
Montauk Jumbo Porgies and Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports an overall god day of fishing today aboard the Viking Starship. We had excellent porgy fishing so we went to go look for some sea bass and we found some nice big ones. We also had some blues and fluke in the mix. Today’s first place pool winner was Steve Schwartz of NYC with a nice 4lb porgy and in second place was Jason Cornelio of Jersey City with a 15lb bluefish.
1/2 Day Fluke PM
Captain Sarah reports an awesome afternoon of fishing on the Viking Stariper. The Fluke and Seabass were biting and everyone caught some fish! We had a nice bunch of large keeper fluke and plenty of beautiful Seabass. We also put some large Porgies in the buckets. What a wonderful afternoon! Our pool winner for today was William Vahey from Boston MA with a nice 5.2lb Porgy.
Long Range Striped Bass
Capt Carl reports a very frustrating night of fishing last night. Our first drift we had a bunch of bites, landed 2 beauties, and it looked like it was gonna be a great night, but it seemed like they just shut down after that. We marked them good all night, and had good conditions for most of the night too, but for whatever reason they didn’t want to bite and we couldn’t catch them. We only grabbed a couple more bass and a couple blues for the rest of the very long night. James Budrock took the pool with a 34 pounder.