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Sun July 23- Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Knothead SeaBass

Capt Dave reports another excellent day of fishing today on the Viking Starship. Porgy fishing remains as good as it has been with a slight decrease in size with more medium and large fish than jumbos. We did however load up well enough to look for some SeaBass to the east. We made a few drifts off of Block Island and picked our way through some little stuff, but managed to find some nice keepers. We did also find a good amount of keeper Fluke and a handful of Mackerell. The pool winner for both the Porgy and edible pool was Jose Perez with a 2.8 lb Porgy and 4 lb Fluke. We are sailing again tomorrow (Monday, July 24th) at 5 am on our Montauk Lighthouse Porgies and SeaBass.