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Fri July 28 – Montauk Lighthouse Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass

Capt Dave reports a good day of fishing today on the Viking Starship. The Porgy fishing was as good it’s been lately, we had an excellent turn out with rods bent all morning and with medium to large sized Porgies and some jumbos. SeaBass fishing today was not so great, we had more throwbacks than keepers this afternoon, but everyone still manged get a couple after picking through the small stuff. We also did see a few keeper Fluke and Mackerell on the boat today. The first place pool winner went to Melvin Mack from Philly with a 3lb Jumbo Porgy. a man holding a gun a man holding a fish a man and a woman standing next to a body of water a man holding a fish in the water a man holding a fish on a boat a group of people standing on a boat in the water