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Wed Sept 20 – Block Island Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass

Capt Dave reports a pretty good day of fishing today on the Viking Starship. We had a lot of action all around with fish just about everywhere we dropped own. There were a lot more medium sized fish in the mix, not quite throwbacks, but nothing very big. SeaBass fishing was good, with fish of all sizes, from small to large and everything in between. We saw a lot of Mackerell on the boat today, so many that we had to start picking our way through them. The first prize pool winner went to Ken Andrews from Newark, NJ with a 3.5 lb Porgy. The edible pool winner went to Keith Davis from Chesapeake with a 4 lb. SeaBass. We will definitely be sailing again tomorrow (Thursday, September 21st) on our 5 am Block Island Jumbo Porgies and Knothead Seabass.

a man holding a glass of water a man holding a fish