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Thur Oct 5 – Block Island Jumbo Porgies & Knothead Sea Bass

Capt Dave reports a better day of fishing today on the Viking Starship. Our morning started off slow searching for some piles of fish and finally we trekked our way into some deeper water where we got into some steady fishing. It was a mixed pick of all sizes of Porgies and SeaBass with a lot of Mackerell mixed. We even got a nice selection of Cod today, probably about 8-10 keeper size Cod and even some throwbacks. The first prize pool winner went to John Smith from Flushing with a 3 lb Porgy. The edible pool winner today went to Gordon Qin from Queens with a 10 lb Cod fish. With fishing slowly picking back up we are eager to get back out tomorrow at 5am for our Block Island Jumbo Porgies and SeaBass. The office will open at 4 am for ticket sales.