Sunday October 5
Striper Slam Sundays Special Trip
Capt Ant reports an ok nite bass trip considering we got stuck with slack right in the middle of the trip. But before we did John Hackett from Jackson, NJ fought and landed a BEHEMOTH 42lb Trophy. We also had a 33lber and a 28lber caught by Jose Ruiz. We picked a few more of the smaller variety at the start of the EBB but never got moving. Honorable mention to Alex ”Bow Man” Kassian who landed a tuna on jig. Alex also dropped a monster bass.
Half day Bass and Blues Jigging
Capt Ant reports a solid Pm Jigging trip with once again nailing a Montauk Grand Slam- Bass , blues and inshore tuna. A long with some of the oceans biggest porgys. Timothy Mcguire from East Hampton, Ny took the pool with a 12lb striper.Dr Jason ”Ziggy” Ziegler had a trophy bluefish for 2nd place at 20lbs doc also landed an 11lb inshore tuna.
Half Day Bass and Blues AM
Sunday AM Jiggy was start to finish bail job with blues and inshore tuna making up the majority of the catch. Our third Grand Slam of the year with the lovely young Micaela Pierce from Newton Mass taking the pool with. Slob inshore tuna of 12lbs. We also had a 22lb bass and some shorts. We also had a mess of jumbo jumbo scup and sea bass to round out another Viking Jigging buffet!!
Block Island Porgies and Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports a slow day of fishing today dur to the rough conditions and moon tide. We did manage a catch of some porgies, sea bass and about 10 keeper cod. Today’s first place pool winner was Ismael Lallave of Manhattan, and in second place was Ignacio Castillo of Queens with a 10lb cod.
3 Day TNT Limited
Captain Carl reports a tough go for our TNT trip. We postponed the trip due to weather and left early Friday morning and fished hard Friday night. It was the slowest night we have had all year, and we released 2 sword pups and Captain Jerry landed the only yellowfin of the night. We watched lots of fish jump out of the water close to the boat but for whatever reason, they didn’t want to bite. We did also catch a bunch of mahi mahi. The next morning we did some bottom fishing and that was slow too. Every drop saw only 1-2 golden tiles and just a few hake mixed in. In between drops, TJ Walshe trolled up a 40lb albacore. We also scored some more mahis. Then the weather unexpectedly turned for the worse and it became pretty snotty and so evil we called it a trip and headed for home. TJ did win the pool with the alby and Juan Carrasquillo took the edible pool with a 15lb mahi. Also Chris Del Pozzo took the tile fish pool with a 12lb tilefish.