Friday Oct 10
Night Bass Revco Charter
Capt Ant and crew wish to thank the guys at Revco in Southhampton for electrifying the Starship last night. We once again limited out for the third night in a row with the pool fish going 38, 35, 34lbs respectively. Flat out sick fishing and well deserved for some of the nicest people around. Thanks again guys from all of us at the Viking Fleet!!!!
Block Island Porgies and Sea Bass
Captain Dave reports an okay day of fishing aboard the Viking Starship today. We had a decent catch of porgies and sea bass along with 3 keeper cod, a couple blues and a striped bass. Today’s first place pool winner was Donald Moy of NYC with a 4lb porgy and in second place was Gregor MeChaber of NYC with a 12lb bluefish.