Tue Dec 11
Haddock/Cod/Scup – Viking Fivestar
Capt Steven Jr reports that since our last trip out to the wrecks did not produce, we changed this trip up and went looking for Haddock. It started off slow but we were able to build up a decent pick for a while and put a nice shot of Haddock together. We also had big Scup and Cunners in the mix. High hook had 7 Haddock and most other guys had 3-5 each. At the end of the day we checked out a different area and found a few green Cod that looked to be moving into the area. We also found a couple more Haddock and some Whiting there. We have some spots open on trips coming up this week so give us a call at the office and get on while the weather is nice! (631)668-5700 or book online at vikingfleet.com