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Viking Fleet Fishing Reports


Fri May 24 – 3 Day Tile/Cod/Fluke LTD

Capt Steven Sr reports a very successful trip on the Viking Starship! We started out on the Tile grounds first thing Saturday morning and the fishing was very good. There were a lot of mediums and a few larges. A 27 pounder won the pool. On Sunday we hit the Cod Wrecks and hit six…

Trip Update: 3 Day Tile/Cod/Fluke LTD

Capt Steven Sr just called in from the infamous Nantucket Shoals and reports that the Fluke are biting! Here are a few pictures from today. They are on their way home from the weekends Tile/Cod/Fluke trip and a full report to follow, but we wanted to let you know that we have plenty of room…

Mon May 20- 2 Day Deep Water Exploratory ULTRA LTD

…. Full report to follow   The first prize pool winner went to Barry Brandow from Clifton, NJ with a 25 lb Golden Tile. The second prize pool winner went to Joey Umana from Levitown, NY with an 18 lb Tile Fish. The edible pool winner went to Tim Draggo from Kings Park, NY with…

Fri May 17- 38 Hour Tile Express

Capt Steven reports an excellent trip on the Viking Starship with PILES OF TILES. with unfavorable weather conditions in our usual grounds, we did some fishing in new area. We had fish of varying sizes coming up at every drop. Despite being one of our shorter offshore trips for the season we were still able…

Tue May 7 to Fri May 10 – Tile/Pollock Wrecks

Capt Steven Sr reports a great trip on the Viking Starship. On our first deepwater wreck we found Pollock and some Cod. It wasn’t a great start. On the next drop we were inundated with Sea Bass to start, but then had a really good shot of Barrel fish and Tiles. We hit the Tile…

Fri May 3 to Sun May 5 – 2 Day Tile/Cod Wrecks

Capt Steven Jr reports a good trip on the Viking Starship. We had tough fishing with the Tiles on the first day. With a fast drift and some dog fish in the area we had to do some looking around and it wasn’t until the later part of the day that we found some fish…

April 19 – Gulf of Maine Haddock/Pollock – Viking Starship

2 Day Gulf of Maine Capt Steven Jr reports an excellent trip to the north last weekend on our Gulf of Maine trip on the Viking Starship. By the end of the trip everyone except a couple of guys had their two day limit Haddock and a good amount of Cusk and Red Fish mixed…

Sun March 3 – Nantucket Wreck Special

Friday, March 1 to Sunday, March 3 Capt JR reports another excellent trip onboard the Viking Star. Loads of Cod and very nice Pollock kept us extremely busy with rods bent all around the boat. We ended the trip with an easy boat limit of Cod and a great catch of Pollock. As in the…

Fri Dec 8- Sun Dec 10: Nantucket Wrecks Christmas – Cod/SeaBass/Hake/Pollock

Capt Carl and Capt JR report EXCELLENT fishing on our Nantucket Wreck Christmas Cod and Sea Bass Spectacular! We started fishing just before sun-up and we fished until post sun-down and it was awesome! Giant XXXL Dinosaur Gaffer Sea Bass and plenty of Codfish mixed in, along with some mixed size Pollack and Giant Cunners,…

Mon Oct 16- Wed Oct 18: George’s Bank Cod/East End Sea Bass

Capt JR reports an excellent trip onboard the Viking Star. Things started out a little slow, but when we found the fish it was lock and load! Big beautiful Cod and Sea bass made up a majority of the catch. However, we boated a fine catch of pollock, jumbo cunners, and a few hub cap…